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In Year Admissions

In Year Admissions Arrangements (Year 8 – Year 11) for mid year entry 2024-25

In Year application form

The In Year admissions process is set out in the In Year admissions policy above.

In Year applications are made to Kingston Local Authority (RBK) on their Secondary In Year application form above. If you wish to apply to The Tiffin Girls’ School, you must name it on the application form. The Pupil Information Form (PIF) that used to collect information about a child from their previous school is no longer used by the local authority when processing in-year applications. There is now a free text box on the application form for parents to provide information about their child should they choose to do so, and this will be shared with schools if it is relevant. After RBK has accepted the application form, the school will send its own In Year Supplementary Information Form which applicants are required to complete before being invited for testing in school. In general, applications are only considered for entry to the year group appropriate to the child’s date of birth (their chronological age group). Requests for admission outside of the chronological age group will be considered, and parents should write to the admissions department in the first instance.

Please note that because the normal entry points to the school are in Years 7 and Year 12 (Sixth Form), we rarely have places available in other year groups. The Year 7 cohort of 180 is expected to move up through the school in its entirety and therefore it is unlikely we will be able to offer a place before admission to Year 12.

We run In Year selection tests towards the end of most terms to determine eligibility to the appropriate year group. Eligible applicants will be put on a waiting list if we are unable to offer an immediate entry place.

Applicants who have sat the admission tests for entry to Year 7 and scored below the cut-off score are not eligible to be tested again for entry to Years 8 to 11. Applicants who are on the in year waiting list (Years 8 to 10) at the end of the academic year are eligible to reapply for a school place in the following academic year, and to be tested for the new year group in the following academic year. RBK will start accepting applications from June for the following academic year.

The selection test will consist of a Mathematics and English test. The test for each year group is different. The Maths test will consist of a calculator* and non-calculator paper. Applicants will receive a list of Maths topics before the test day. The English test will consist of two sections, reading and writing, and at least 50% of the child’s mark must come from the reading section of the paper.

An applicant must meet the required standard in Maths and English to be eligible for a place at the school. The school’s required standard reflects the standard expected from a child who demonstrates the capacity to progress and attain the grades achieved by the majority of our students at GCSE.

The Tiffin Girls’ School will inform applicants’ parents and RBK of the outcome of the application on completion of the testing process.


(*The autumn term maths test for entry to Year 8 is a non-calculator paper only).