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Absence Request

Absence requests can only be submitted online through Talaxy:

Please note we are no longer using the absence request google form or former webPortal.

Students of school age must, by law, attend school regularly. If your child is to be away from school parents/carers need to ask the school to approve the absence in advance, which we will do when there is an exceptional reason. An absence request should be submitted through Talaxy at least one week prior to the requested absence date. Any absence taken for any event that is known about in advance for which permission was not sought will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’.

An absence request is not usually authorised for occasional visits, family days out or holidays.

Please arrange for regular dental and optician check-ups to take place during school holidays.

Please note that your child’s absence will be ‘authorised’ unless you receive an email refusing the request, or asking for more information. You will not receive an email if your request is authorised.


Reporting a Future Absence or illness

To report a future absence, for example, music/dance exams, university visits or interviews, click on the drop down arrow in Talaxy named ‘inform us of a future absence’. 

If you are reporting your child’s absence for illness on the day of reporting, Talaxy must be completed before 8.25am.