The Tiffin Girls’ School has a long tradition of outreach, focusing on developing and coordinating strong links in the community.
We have delivered the following projects over recent years:
- Providing use of our facilities to local schools.
- Literacy and Numeracy support for KS2, where our Year 10 students visit and work with small groups primary students to develop their literacy and numeracy skills.
- Primary readers programme, where our Year 12 students attend a local primary school and listen to children reading.
- Year 5 Aspirations and Ambitions project, where we invite children from local primary schools to take part in a ‘Dragon’s Den’-style day, working alongside our Year 9 students. They are set the task of creating a product in science and learning through a range of other subjects how to market and sell it, culminating in a presentation to parents and staff.
- A primary school Eco Conference was held with 16 local primary schools in attendance.
- A medical conference was run by our sixth form students for students in our local community interested in applying for Medicine at university.
- UCAT workshop was held for local sixth form students.
- Helping Year 6 primary school pupils and parents prepare for transition to secondary school – Year 7 students presented to local primary schools about life in secondary school; our Love of Learning representatives created a video for Year 6 pupils on life in secondary school, answering key questions on the transition between primary and secondary school; Miss Smith attended a local primary school and gave a talk to Year 6 parents about how they can support their child’s academic progress in Year 7 and beyond.
- Year 7 and 8 students visited a local primary school to deliver sessions to Year 6 pupils on how to revise effectively for exams.
- Year 9 students visited a local primary school to read their self-published story and deliver a presentation on enterprise skills.
- Year 10 PE students hosted students from a local primary school taking part in a range of sporting activities.
- Year 12 students ran a Maths club to stretch and challenge Year 5/6 students.
- Year 12 students ran a debating club to support students in a local primary school.
- Science morning was held during science week for Year 4 students, taking part in experiments in all three sciences.
- Students across year groups attended Dalemead and Hampton care homes.
- Students from Dance club performed to local day centres ‘Staywise’ in New Malden and Strathmore School.
- Year 10 students took part in a gardening project at Strathmore School, working alongside staff and pupils.
- Shaping Futures programme ran throughout the year where Year 5 pupils from local primary schools worked alongside Year 12 mentors to develop their maths and English skills.
If you would like to work with Tiffin Girls’ on an outreach initiative for your school, then please contact Rachel Smith at [email protected]